C Gloassary j-s

long int : long int is a data type whose width is larger than or equal to int. Normally in 32 bit machines, a long integer is stored using 4 bytes and is similar to an int.

Synonym : long , signed long int, signed long

              long int m = 4L;
          long n;
          printf("%d",sizeof(m));//prints 4

In line 1, the long literal is 4L which is used to specify the value is long integer. You must suffix long int literals with L or l.

long long int (C99): long long integer is normally 8 bytes integer. This type is available only in ANSI standard C99.

long double : This is a floating point data type which gives 19 digits precision and is stored using 10 or 12 bytes. The range of long double values are +-1.1E+4932.  Remember that float gives 5 digits accuracy and double gives 15 digits accuracy.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
int main()
   printf("Size of long int is %d\n",sizeof(3L));
   printf("The smallest long int is %ld\n and largest long  int is %ld\n",LONG_MIN,LONG_MAX);

   long long int a;
   printf("Size of long long int is %d\n",sizeof(3LL));
   printf("The smallest long long int is %lld\n and largest long int is %lld\n",LLONG_MIN,LLONG_MAX);

   long double b;
   printf("Size of long long double is %d\n",sizeof(b));
   printf("The smallest long long int is %Le\n and largest long int is %Le\n",LDBL_MIN_EXP ,LDBL_MAX_EXP );

   return 0;

  1. The limits.h and float.h header files are needed as they define the macros LONG_LONG_MIN and LONG_LONG_MAX.
  2. The macro LDBL_MAX_EXP defining long double max is giving erraneous answers in  mingw gcc compiler and codepad provided online compiler.
short int :  This int data type normally has width of 2 bytes. The format specifier used to print a short int is %hd

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <limits.h>
    int main()
         short int n=1;
         int i;
         printf("The range of short int is %hd to %hd and its width is %d\n",SHRT_MIN,SHRT_MAX,sizeof(n));
          printf("2^%d is %hd\n",i,n); n = n<<1;
         return 0;

    The program prints the output as
          The range of short int is -32768 to 32767 and its width is 2
          2^0 is 1
          2^1 is 2
          2^2 is 4
          2^3 is 8
          2^4 is 16
          2^5 is 32
          2^6 is 64
          2^7 is 128
          2^8 is 256
          2^9 is 512
          2^10 is 1024
          2^11 is 2048
          2^12 is 4096
          2^13 is 8192
          2^14 is 16384
          2^15 is -32768

    The last value is negative because, the MSB is used as sign bit and if MSB is 1, the value is treated negative.


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