Basic Linux commands you should know

Basic Linux commands you must know

ls List the files of the given directory
ls filename
ls -l   ( list details like size,
permissions,links etc.)
ls /bin
cd change to directory
cd path
cd /home/tom/cprograms

cd .. (go to parent directoru)
cp copy a file
cp source destination
cp a.txt b.txt
cp a.txt /home/tom/cprograms
rm delete a file
rm filename
rm a.txt
rm * (delete all files in the current directory)
pwd print working directory (current)
mv rename a file
mv oldname newname
mv old.txt new.txt

gcc compile a c program using gcc compiler
gcc cfilename
gcc program.c
gcc -Wall pr2.c (Display all warnings)

chmod Change mode of a file - read/write/execute

chmod mode filename
chmod +rwx  file
chmod -w a.c (Make the file readonly)
chmod 0777 file2 (Make file2 read, write and executeable)
man Display manual page of given command or c function
man command
man ls
man chmod
man printf


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