File handling functions in C

fopen - Open file
FILE * fopen(char * filename, char * mode)
Filename – string filename with path
Mode – mode of opening
             r    read only
            w   write only
            a    append file
                  read and write (r+/w+/a+)
            b   binary file

Return value – FILE pointer on success
                         NULL on failure
FILE * infile ;
Infile = fopen(“a.txt”,”r”);

FILE *outfile = fopen(“b.txt”,”w”);
if(infile==NULL || outfile==NULL)
fclose – close the open file. 
Note that when a program ends all open files are closed automatically
fclose(FILE *fptr)

fptr – FILE * of the open file
Returns void
fgetc – read one char from file

int fgetc(FILE *fptr)

fptr – FILE * of the open file
returns – character read
            -1 on eof or error
while( (ch=fgetc())!=-1)
//display content of file
//on screen
fputc – write one character to the file
int fputc(int ch,FILE *fptr)
ch – character to write
fptr – open file pointer
returns character written
           EOF if there is error
Formatted read from file
int fscanf(FILE *ptr,char * fmt,…)

ptr – FILE pointer
fmt – format specifier for variables to be read
Returns – number of values read successfully
fscanf(infile, “%d %d”,&n1,&n2);
fprintf – formatted write to file
  int fprintf(FILE *ptr,char * fmt,…)

ptr – FILE pointer
fmt – format specifier for variables to be  read
Returns – number of characters  printed or negative number on error
fprintf(outfile,“Value is %d\n”,n1);
fread – read blocks from binary file
int fread( void *buffer, size_t size, size_t num, FILE *ptr )

buffer – stores the pointer to value read 
size – size of the buffer
num – number of blocks to be read
ptr – file pointer
Returns – number of values read

Char *str = malloc(50);
fwrite – write blocks to a binary file
int fwrite( void *buffer, size_t size, size_t num, FILE *ptr )

buffer – address of value to write
size – size of the buffer
num – number of blocks to be read
ptr – file pointer
Returns – number of values written

char a[]=”end”;
fseek – move the file pointer by given offset
int fseek(FILE*ptr,long offset,int whence)

ptr – file pointer
offset – offset in bytes from third parameter
whence – SEEK_SET – from beginning of file
SEEK_CUR – from current position
SEEK_END – from end of file
Returns – zero on success
Non-zero on failure
     char ch=fgetc(infile);
     printf(“The fourth char of the file is %c\n”,ch);
ftell – get the position of file pointer
int ftell(FILE *ptr)

ptr – FILE pointer
Returns – position of file pointer
-1 on error
FILE *ptr = fopen(b[1],"r");
 int size_of_file = ftell(ptr);
rewind – moves the file pointer to the beginning of the file
void rewind(FILE *ptr)

ptr – FILE pointer
int n = fscanf(infile,”%d”,&n);


  1. but fopen and fclose command are not in the directories of linux and it shows error den wat to do??

    1. Please mention what error you are getting.

    2. Hi,

      fopen and fclose are not the commands in Linux they are the C library functions. U can use them in a C file.

      See the man page of fopen and fclose (man fopen) u will get your answer.

    3. All the functions given in this post are C library functions. So you will not see them in bin folder in Linux directories.

  2. fopen and fclose are not the linux commands but they are the C inbuilt library functions for the file handling.

    You can use these functions in a C file to handling files. See the man page of fopen and fclose (man fopen).


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