Static members in C++

Static data member

A static data member belongs to the class, not to any object. It is shared by all the objects of the class.

To make a data member static, it should be defined with keyword static inside the class body.  

A static data MUST also be defined outside the body of the class because inside class, the declaration of static data is not definition.

class SimpleInterest
 static double rate;
 int amount;
 float period;
double SimpleInterest::rate=0.07;/*definition*/

Static data members can be accessed using dot or arrow operator but they can also be accessed without an object, using class name followed by scope resolution operator.

int main()
 SimpleInterest obj;
 float intrst = obj.amount*obj.period*obj.rate;

Static member functions

A static member function can be called directly without using any object,  with class name and scope resolution operator.

A function is made static by using static keyword within the class body in function declaration.

Rules for static functions.
  1. A static function can not use "this" pointer. Hence it can not access non-static data members.
  2. A static function can not be const
  3. Static function can not be virtual

class A
 int n;
 static int m;
 A(int m);
 static void print() ;/*static function*/
int A::m=4;

void A::print()
 cout<<"Hello world";
 cout<<n;/*error. Can not access n*/
 cout<<m;/*no error. m is static*/}
int main()

print() function of A class, which is static can not access n, as n is non-static data.


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